The Best of Kids Summer Shoes on Amazon

Summer is around the corner which means both of the big kiddos are in dire need of some weather appropriate shoes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled that summer is coming, but doesn’t it always seem that the minute the seasons change nothing in the kiddos’ closets fit anymore? Luckily Amazon is here to save the day. Prime shipping, tons of styles, and in most cases, tons of color options, too!

When I shop for the kids I like to include some gender neutral pieces that can be passed down and I typically buy the same brands that I know the kids already like. Natives and Freshly Picked are always winners in our house because they’re comfortable for the kids, easy to keep clean, and will last even with all of the wear and tear my kids put on their shoes.

For longevity’s sake, I always buy shoes at least a half size bigger than needed so I won’t have to replace them within a couple of months. When it’s possible, I try to buy shoes that are made with real leather or other quality materials so they don’t fall apart. Depending on where you live, some of these shoes can easily transition from spring to summer to fall and I recommend investing in one or two quality pairs of shoes instead of multiple inexpensive pairs. Even though it might feel like you’re saving more money up front, you’ll end up spending more in the long run replacing shoes every two months.

A quick note with everything going on - some of the shipping times on these shoes are a little backed up but hopefully normal shipping times will resume soon! Keep me posted on how long it takes your orders to arrive if you grab any of these!

Mandy Roberson

Wife to JD | Momma | Childbirth Educator | Founder of Momma Society-The Community of Modern Moms | Living in Sunny Arizona

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