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Nursing Milk Bath with my Sweet Isla
With the craziness that comes with two kids, I actually find myself looking forward to nursing Isla these days. It is the much-needed quiet time where I am forced to slow down for a few. Moments where I can stare in awe at this little blue-eyed babe that JD and I have been blessed with. Time where there is not a care in the world but my sweet Isla. We are 7 months in and it has been a beautiful journey. I feel relaxed. I feel confident. Not a day goes by that I take for granted the ability to nourish her.
Currently Planning: Brody's Jungle Party at the Phoenix Zoo
We went back and fourth on whether of not we were going to have a birthday party for Brody this year. We were leaning towards a Disney trip instead of a birthday celebration, but with our big move coming up, we decided we wanted to take advantage of every chance we have to hang out with our wonderful friends before we have to say good-bye. And let’s be real, I love planning birthday parties and Brody loves going to birthday parties.
Big News! We're Moving to Greenville, South Carolina!
It is no secret that JD and I love a good adventure. Usually these adventures are in the form of passport stamps and wild travel tales. Come this Summer we will be packing up and embarking on one of our biggest adventures yet--a cross country move to South Carolina!
40+ Non-Cheesy Disney Outfits for Kids
Next month we are going to be making our first visit to Disneyland with kids! I am so excited. If you know me, you know any clothing with characters is usually far off of my radar (remember my post about Brody's wardrobe?). The one exception---disneyland! Today I have rounded up my favorite non-cheesy disney outfits for kids. Even I will admit there are some pretty cute options out there! Here are my favorites.
Our Living Room Update---My Happy Place!
Our living room is the heart of our home—it’s where Brody and Isla play, where JD and I cuddle up and watch cheesy tv shows and where we all hangout when guests are over. With as much use as the room gets, it has somehow remained a collection of hand-me-downs, thrift store finds, DIY projects etc. Last year, we refreshed Brody’s room, created a little master bedroom sanctuary for ourselves, and gave Isla an adorable nursery, yet somehow our living room--the room we spend the most time in, had yet to feel homey.
5 Things a Lactation Consultant Can Help With
There are a few people you should have on speed dial after you give birth—one of the big ones? A lactation consultant. They can be mini miracle workers when it comes to establishing a solid breastfeeding relationship or resolving the nuances that come along with breastfeeding.
Here are 5 things a lactation consultant can help with.
5 Things I Have Learned From Our First 3 Months in Preschool
I used to look forward to the weekends, but now I look forward to preschool days. There is something about those preschool mornings that yields a sense of routine. Preschool mornings mean an excited boy and a happy momma. They also almost guarantee an awesome afternoon nap when we return.
Here are 5 things I have learned as a preschool mom.
How We Conquered Naptime with 2 Kids + a Smilo Baby Giveaway!
If there is one time of the day that needs to go smoothly, it is naptime. A solid nap for Brody and Isla means happier kids for the rest of the afternoon and a much happier momma! Naptime is my little break to work, read, or fit in that long awaited shower. A good nap makes for a good day.
40+ of the Cutest Valentine Outfits for Kids
I'll admit it, I am a sucker for love. The cheesiest holiday of the year is also one of my very favorites. Maybe it's because I love pink and white. Or perhaps it's the sentimental part of Valentine's Day being the date JD asked me to be his girlfriend 11 Years ago--whew feeling old! Or maybe it is simply my love of candy and any holiday that involves chocolate is up there on my list. Whatever the reason, I have been having fun scooping out the most festive Valentine outfits and little gift ideas for our little ones. Here are 40+ of my favorites below.
Hello 2018! A Look Back & What's To Come
2017 was beautiful. It was exhausting. It tested my patience and it freaking made my heart explode. It gave me clarity on what I want to focus on—my family, our adventures, and the sweet moms who stop by Momma Society on the daily. It was a year of getting our house ready to sell. Of putting in offers on 2 houses we thought were perfect. A year of hearing no, but realizing it was because something better was in store. It was a year of giving thanks and not taking our health for granted. It was a year I will look back on one day and surely miss---even those days that felt like pure chaos.
How To Get A Breast Pump Through Insurance & 6 Things I’ve Learned About Pumping
There are so many things I wish I would have known before becoming a mom. The little details that your doctor does not tell you and your mom friends gloss over because they assume you already know. One thing that has had the biggest learning curve for me has been breastfeeding and pumping.
My favorite gifts for ages 0-2!