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The Truth About My Postpartum Experience the Second Time Around
The truth about life with two little ones. I am not going to sugarcoat, it is hard as hell some days. Exhausting, tiring, emotionally draining and yet, at the same time, ridiculously heartwarming and rewarding. People keep asking how life is with two and I wasn't sure. It was new. It was exciting. It was a novelty. I knew the truth would take a few weeks to wiggle its way out. Once the “just checking-in” messages slowed down and the excitement of a new baby faded. When the sweet meal train came to an end and JD went back to his regular work schedule. That is when I could sit back and really reflect on what life was now like.
We Tried Out HelloFresh and Here Are My Thoughts
The clock slowly creeps towards 5:00pm and my husband and I look at each other with panicked faces as we try to decide what to do for dinner tonight. Brody is usually standing in the pantry begging for a snack. We finally agree on a recipe and pull it out only to realize we are missing half of the ingredients. All the while, the witching hour has begun for Isla. This is what most evenings in our house look like these days. Pure chaos.
I Searched 1500 Baby & Toddler Costumes on Amazon & These Are My Favorites
Now that it is officially Fall, Halloween has been heavy on my mind. Not just fun halloween snacks, but costumes as well. It is going to be tough to top Brody's garbage man costume from last year, but we are going to try!
I go back and fourth between wanting to DIY our costumes or taking the much less stressful route of ordering them. The other day, I found myself browsing through over 1500 toddler and kids costumes on Amazon. Boy was I impressed with how cute some of the choices were, so today I thought it would be fun to round-up my favorites below.
What You Really Need for Postpartum the Second Time Around
The first month of postpartum is filled with emotions and gear. Momma needs nearly as much as the newborn. You might remember my postpartum essentials list from Brody’s birth.
This time, my birth was quite different and so were my essentials. To put it simply, healing down there was a hell of a lot easier. No stitches, no abrasions, no hemorrhoids=a lot less supplies. If you are expecting your first little one, my original list will probably be helpful—a lot of the products on there I was not familiar with before becoming a momma.
Cozy Cheekz—The Baby Gear I Wish I Would Have Had With Baby #1
This post is sponsored by Cozy Cheekz.
With Isla, I have loved discovering useful products that make life with a new baby easier. Cozy Cheekz is one of those companies I wish I would have known about with Brody. They are the creators of two awesome products---a heated diaper changing pad and their Cozy Cradle, which is a lightweight multi-purpose pad designed for life on the go.
5 Best Kitchen Tools Every Postpartum Momma Needs
The best kitchen tools mean less time in the kitchen and less work. Which can mean more time for self care. Ease around homemade food is especially important if you feel determined to eat healthy as you welcome your new little one and say goodbye to long stretches of sleep. Working on that perfect latch, managing mastitis, figuring out how to soothe a colicky newborn, or recovering from a few stitches takes a whole lot mojo. And let's face it - a sugar rush and caffeine high will only get you so far.
How Owlet is Helping Me Get More Sleep With a Newborn
Thank-you Owlet for collaborating on this post. Owlet provided us with their new Owlet Smart Sock 2, but all opinions are our own. We only share products and brands we truly love and use.
I love discovering devices and products that make motherhood easier. Welcoming a new baby home is already stressful enough and anything that helps make the transition a little easier is worth every penny. The Owlet is just that. After hearing rave reviews from lots of you, we have given it a try and I can truly say it has been a sanity saver.
Creating My Bedroom Sanctuary with Serena and Lily
I find it so easy for newborn life to take its toll on me mentally and physically. The late nights and early mornings, the constant tending to others, the feedings and diaper changes--it is exhausting. When Brody was born, I lost myself in motherhood. All of my needs and the things that were important to me fell to the wayside. It took months and months to find myself again. This time I vowed to make sure that did not happen.
Brody's Big Brother Hospital Celebration & Meeting Isla
There are a few days that will forever hold a special spot in my heart. High school proms with my husband, Auburn football games with some of my best friends, our wedding vows, snorkeling in Belize, sleeping in the Sahara desert under the stars, and the day Brody met Isla. The latter being a day that will be at the top of my list for a long time.
Postpartum Essentials for Momma
Our little Brody Parker is officially two weeks old today. Between diapers, baby clothes, rockers and baby gear, I nearly forgot about preparing myself for postpartum. Momma requires nearly as much gear as baby! Two weeks later, I am feeling almost 100% healed and back to normal thanks to the essentials below.
Dear Isla - A letter To You About Your Birth
Dear Isla,
The day you were born was one of the greatest of our lives. You came into the world quickly and peacefully, forever growing our hearts. I no longer remember what life was like without you.
Our Tuesday morning started out just as it had for the past few weeks. I was still exhausted as Brody walked into our bedroom at his usual 6:20am.
41 Week Bump Update
Oh hey, 41 Weeks. Nice to see you again.
Still no baby. With Brody arriving at 42 weeks, I am not surprised to see our estimated due date come and go. My belly must be cozy!
Last time, I struggled through these extra weeks. Emotional roller coaster. This time, I feel much calmer. I feel like the excitement has just started to build up. I am embracing these extra few lazy days at home.
My favorite gifts for ages 0-2!