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Conquering The Four Month Sleep Regression
Like clockwork as Luca started approaching four months his sleep schedule wet totally haywire. Since he’s our third kiddo, I was able to recognize that a sleep regression was the problem, but if you’re a first-time mom or it’s been a while since you had a new baby in the house, you might not think to consider sleep regressions when figuring out what’s going on.
Our Bedtime Routine Secrets with Two Kids
Bedtime: The word that means victory to moms across the globe. We rocked it through another day of motherhood. High five!
Nailing down a sleep schedule with a baby and toddler can be challenging, but we have really found a groove that works for us. There is so much research supporting the importance of a bedtime routine for kids. A structured routine can help your babies and toddlers fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. This makes for a much more rested momma and kiddo, which is a total win in my book!
6 Sleep Mistakes I Made with Isla
Confession: We have been on the sleep struggle bus with Isla since birth—now almost 9 months ago. In all honesty, I would cringe every time I would hear someone talking about how their tiny newborn or three month old or six month old or now nine month old slept through the night like a champ. I was envious of the solid sleep the moms were getting. I was frustrated by how our nights looked. I was waking up cranky and exhausted.
How We Conquered Naptime with 2 Kids + a Smilo Baby Giveaway!
If there is one time of the day that needs to go smoothly, it is naptime. A solid nap for Brody and Isla means happier kids for the rest of the afternoon and a much happier momma! Naptime is my little break to work, read, or fit in that long awaited shower. A good nap makes for a good day.
My favorite gifts for ages 0-2!