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How to Pick the Perfect Breast Pump for You
The world of breastfeeding + pumping can be completely overwhelming - especially for a new momma. Before you hit the panic button, take a breath because not only is it easier than ever to pick a breast pump for your needs, but you can also get one covered 100% by your insurance provider.
Nursing Milk Bath with my Sweet Isla
With the craziness that comes with two kids, I actually find myself looking forward to nursing Isla these days. It is the much-needed quiet time where I am forced to slow down for a few. Moments where I can stare in awe at this little blue-eyed babe that JD and I have been blessed with. Time where there is not a care in the world but my sweet Isla. We are 7 months in and it has been a beautiful journey. I feel relaxed. I feel confident. Not a day goes by that I take for granted the ability to nourish her.
5 Things a Lactation Consultant Can Help With
There are a few people you should have on speed dial after you give birth—one of the big ones? A lactation consultant. They can be mini miracle workers when it comes to establishing a solid breastfeeding relationship or resolving the nuances that come along with breastfeeding.
Here are 5 things a lactation consultant can help with.
My favorite gifts for ages 0-2!